Hi, I'm Brian.
I'm 56 years young and born and bred in Mackay, Qld. I have had a very eye opening life, to say the least, thus far.
I am a survivor of child sexual abuse and live with Type 3 Bi-polar Disorder, P.T.S.D., O.C.D., and Agoraphobia. I fight everyday to be the best person I can be!
I am a Hair Stylist and Barber and have created my own success with my busy salon, Brian Gerrard Hairdressing. I also enjoy playing the drums in a local rock band, 4 Shades of Grey.
None of this would have been possible if I had taken my own life 23 year's ago.
The TUF Minds App is a wonderful resource and innovative mental well-being and suicide prevention program that will save lives in every community!
The Life Rescue Program increases your knowledge and understanding, giving you the confidence to ask the important questions and know what action to take if you or someone you know is struggling with Mental Health Issues.
I am a survivor and I have moved forward positively with my life. So can you.